fall maintenance tips

Autumn is coming, and we’ve got all your top fall maintenance tips to keep your outdoor lighting in good shape during the colder seasons. With the help of Luminocity, your outdoor lighting system can keep shining no matter the weather or temperature. Our Central Indiana neighbors know they can rely on Luminocity for the best maintenance in the business, so check out these tips and call our lighting experts for your next consultation!

Clean outdoor lighting fixtures

Your fixtures can’t shine bright if they’re covered in water deposits, dirt or debris from summer storms. Fall is a great time to get them clean again before it gets too cold and snow/salt packs on another layer of grime. Turn off the circuit breaker to your outdoor system just in case, and you can use warm water and mild soap to clean off your fixtures. You can also use this solution or a commercial cleaner to get any glass panes squeaky clean and shining brightly again. 

Clear off leaves and tree limbs

Autumn in the Midwest also brings falling leaves that can cover up your outdoor lighting. Letting them pile up may cause damage to your fixtures or the system overall. We recommend regularly raking your yard of falling leaves, and you can also take that time to check the ground for any exposed wires from your lighting system and rebury them. You can also use this time to trim any trees or shrubs to reduce falling leaves and maintain the design elements of your outdoor lighting. When Luminocity crafts your home’s lighting design using our fall maintenance tips, we always consider which trees to highlight and which to keep dark. 

Update your lighting system timer

An outdoor lighting timer can be a huge convenience to your daily schedule. Rather than remembering to turn on your lights each night, your timer or smart lights can do it for you! But as the weather gets colder, you’re probably spending less time in your outdoor living space. And with the sun setting earlier every day and daylight savings time ending on Nov. 7, you’ll want to make sure to update your outdoor timer to best fit your family’s schedule and needs. 

Consider investing in our AMP

Are you overwhelmed at the thought of adding these fall maintenance tips to your to-do list? Give the Luminocity team a call! Our Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP) includes all of these tasks to keep your lighting system operating at peak efficiency! We replace all quartz-halogen bulbs with fresh ones and check on the quality of any LED bulbs. We will inspect and clean every fixture, bury exposed wires, trim bushes for optimal lighting effect, and reset your system timer as needed. And as a bonus — there is no charge for any bulbs that burn out in the next 12 months, nor for any minor service needs, like a cut wire! Our AMP is truly your best value for outdoor lighting maintenance. 

Schedule a fall consult with Luminocity

If you are in need of a new outdoor lighting design or would like to update your existing system, the lighting experts at Luminocity would love to assist you. We service all systems – not just the ones that we installed. Our team has an eye for great design by knowing what type of fixture is best suited for each task, what lighting effect is desired and where fixtures should be placed to achieve it. And you can always trust that a Luminocity installation (including proper voltage) is done professionally.

Schedule your consultation with the Luminocity team online or at 317-537-8055 today and we’ll have your home shining brightly all fall long!

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