
February is traditionally known as a month of love, so let’s talk about showing your home some TLC. At Luminocity, we understand the need to highlight your home and shine a light on its beauty. As spring draws near – and it’s only a month away – it’s time to spoil your home with important maintenance tasks and upgrades that will ensure your home feels the love and is reaping the benefits of a little extra attention.

How can you show your home a little love this month and beyond? We have a few ideas to start your spring checklist.

Love and light

Does your home sit in the shadows? Or does it shrink from the glare of DIY floodlights that were a cheap find at the big box store? Professional, energy efficient lighting technology makes a tangible difference in how your home stands up to the darkness. Luminocity is ready to create a lighting design that highlights your Indiana home’s best features and creates a unique artwork within your landscape. Invest in outdoor lighting now, and you’ll have a head start in creating a welcoming experience for anyone who visits.

Love your home by tackling the small tasks

Do big projects leave you sweating like a seventh grader who wants to give his crush a box of candy? You don’t have to do everything at once to prove that you’re faithful to your home. Consider these smaller jobs, which can add up to big improvements:

Paint a room. As the days get longer and the sunlight streams through your windows, you may realize you’re tired of the wall colors. A new paint color is a sure method of injecting new life into your space. It’s also a great excuse for buying new throw pillows to match!

Clean your baseboards. Sure, you sweep and dust regularly, but when was the last time you gave your baseboards some love? A periodic baseboard clean can be a great pick-me-up for your home.

Rearrange the furniture. Do you still have your television against the wall with the cable line, even though you cut the cord years ago? Move things around a bit. Send the bookcases to the dining room you rarely use and create a library vibe. Play with new light fixtures. Swap out those end tables that you’ve moved several times and really never liked in the first place. It’s time for a change.

Clean your carpets. Hire a professional, or rent a carpet cleaner from the grocery store. You may discover that your carpet is a different shade once you remove the accumulated dirt your dog has been bringing inside for the past several months.

Get rid of some stuff. Do you subscribe to the 80/20 principle at home, where you used 20 percent of your stuff 80 percent of the time? It’s OK to donate the extra pots and pans that are hiding in your cupboards. Go through your books and donate the overflow to your neighborhood library. Create space for new options.

Show some love with bigger projects

The little maintenance tasks make a difference, but the bigger projects can pay you back in dramatic results. What can you do to show your home some love? We have a few ideas:

Clean your gutters. While you were staying warm inside this winter, your gutters were accumulating a collection of dead leaves, sticks, pebbles, and other debris. Clean them out now, before the spring rains begin. Did you know that Indiana’s precipitation chances begin to go up in March, peaking in May? It’s going to rain. Be ready.

Wash your windows. Dirty windows can be an eyesore. Improve your home’s curb appeal when you make your windows sparkle. You’ll enjoy the extra natural light and may even extend the windows’ lifespan by removing the dust and grime that can scratch the surface.

Get a head start on your outdoor chores. Indiana springs often bring us spells of milder weather where you want to be outside. Clean out the dead leaves that accumulated around your home this winter. Make sure your perennials have room to grow by clearing out the clutter.

Check your outdoor lighting system. Over time, your bulbs can become dim and your wires may become exposed thanks to winter weather. All landscape lighting needs to be updated from time to time. You can go out and manually replace every bulb with a fresh one, or you can sign up for Luminocity’s maintenance plan and let us do the dirty work. (We think you’ll love handing this particular task over to our crew.)

Share the love this month with Luminocity. Did you know that spring is a great time to consider an outdoor lighting system? Our Indiana weather will become more hospitable, and soon we’ll be wanting to spend time outside. Make sure your home is illuminated with a professional outdoor lighting design by Luminocity. Call us now at 317-537-8055 to schedule your free consultation!

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