Today we are covering path lighting and focusing on where and how to place them. At Luminocity, we can help you determine the best spots to install path lighting for both beauty and function. We also know where not to place lights that could disturb life within your Central Indiana home. Let us help you enjoy your outdoor living space even more this summer with new or updated outdoor lighting!

1. Entrances

The most obvious spot to be lit is the entrance to your home. We can draw attention to your front entrance by enhancing it with light, and this can also draw your attention away from other areas you wish to keep dark. The professional lighting systems installed by Luminocity will beautify your home and landscaping. Our goal always is beauty and elegance; creating a masterpiece as we paint with light.

Great design is achieved by knowing what type of fixture is best suited for each task. Our lighting professionals will ask a lot of questions during your consultation, to help you determine the best design for your home. We will consider the effect of lighting and shadows, where fixtures should be placed to achieve those effects, and ensure that the installation (including proper voltage) is completed professionally. 

2. Pathways

When it comes to path lighting, our professionals can help illuminate potential obstacles in your yard or walkways. Outdoor lighting can help to make your house look warm and welcoming to guests approaching your house. Although you may be comfortable navigating through your property at night, a guest who is unfamiliar with your home will need adequate lighting to keep from tripping over stairs, curbs, trees or other hazards. 

Outdoor lighting can also help keep your property safe with security floodlights, motion sensors and lighted pathways. Studies have shown that a well-lit home is a major deterrent to burglars or vandals. Luminocity’s expert design and installation help make sure your home inspires a burglar to keep on walking.

3. Stairs

Outdoor lighting on stairs is not only an aesthetic choice but also a functional one. According to the National Safety Council, falling is one of the most common forms of injury that happen at home, especially among older adults who may have difficulty with mobility. In fact, it is estimated that every 20 minutes, an older adult dies from a fall. Many outdoor falls can be prevented with better lighting on stairs and pathways. 

4. NOT under Windows

One of our constant concerns is that your lighting design works well for you and your family. We do this by ensuring that the façade of the home is properly bathed in light, while not allowing that lighting to interfere with life inside the home. This can often happen when a lighting fixture is installed directly beneath a window. In addition, we know that fixtures that are placed near passage areas or windows can require filters to help minimize glare and maintain proper illumination.

Thoughtful design and insider knowledge is only achieved with a professional lighting installation. Trust your outdoor lighting to the experts at Luminocity by scheduling your consultation online or at 317-448-0863.

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