
We’re in the new year, so let’s talk about resolutions for your Indiana home. You may be dreaming big with visions of a kitchen remodel or a new man cave. Or, you may be focusing on DIY tasks, like a renewed landscape design or other small changes that will pay you back in curb appeal. Here at Luminocity, we know the new year brings a desire for fresh starts. That’s why we compiled a list of resolutions that are worth making – and keeping – in the new year.

Make a resolution to stay safe at home

Safety is always a priority for any homeowner. When was the last time you tested the smoke alarms or radar detectors in your home? Yes, conventional wisdom says you should add fresh batteries when we switch to Daylight Savings Time in March, but why wait? Did you know that an old smoke detector may not give your family the protection it deserves? Today’s updated smoke detectors can even talk to you! While we’re talking about safety, let’s look at the safeguards around your home. How are your door locks working? Do you notice any wear or splits in the wood frame around the door? What about your windows? Are they still secure against intruders?

Take a walk around your home at night to check for any dark spots. Remember, a well-lit home may be related to a decrease in crime.  

Resolve to stay on top of maintenance tasks

Let’s be honest. When was the last time you replaced your furnace filter? A new filter can help your HVAC system work better, which may translate into lower energy bills. What other chores are you tempted to skip throughout the year? Spring is coming, and you’ll want to be ready to tackle the work with our handy maintenance checklist. Your outdoor lighting system needs regular maintenance as well. A harsh winter can uncover wires, and new growth can alter the carefully designed lighting patterns. The Luminocity maintenance plan lets someone else do the dirty work for you. Talk to us about how our trained lighting technicians will service your system annually and handle minor repairs at no charge throughout the year. 

Let things go

If you didn’t use it in 2023, either repurpose it, recycle it, give it away or throw it away in 2024. This is a resolution everyone can use. You’ve been holding onto that cat-shaped baking pan for years, in case you have a grandchild who wants a kitty cake. Let it go. Old calendars? Copy the important dates and send them to the recycle bin. How about broken items? If it’s been waiting for a fix for more than a year, let’s get real.

Take a hard look at what you are bringing into your home. Everyone loves a bargain, but cheaper can wind up costing you more in the long run. For instance, an outdoor lighting design from a big box store may have a low initial price point, but a lighting design by Luminocity relies on our high-quality, durable light fixtures that are better equipped to stand up to Mother Nature.

Save money with little changes

Fortunately, there are many little lifestyle changes you can incorporate that will save money without affecting your quality of life. For instance:

  • Switch off the lights when you leave the house
  • Use a smart thermostat to set a heating and cooling schedule
  • Consider planting drought-tolerant landscaping that doesn’t need a lot of water in the summer

Spend money on the things that make you happy

Resolve to put yourself first this year with home maintenance and renovation plans. Your home should be your haven. Don’t wait until you’re moving to give yourself some desired updates. Make a resolution to be happier at home. Take lighting, for example. Lighting is personal. Lighting adds beauty, safety, and security. Paint your home and landscape in light with an inspired outdoor lighting design by Luminocity. You’ve worked hard for your home. In 2024, take the time to enjoy it.

Are you ready to talk to Luminocity about an outdoor lighting design? Call us at 317-537-8055, or contact us online at At Luminocity, we know exterior illumination!

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