Daylight savings time is over for the year, and that means earlier sunsets and later sunrises. In fact, we can expect to see Indy’s earliest sunset times at 5:19 p.m. in early December. With all this extra time in the dark, it’s important to have your outdoor lighting system up and running as efficiently as possible. And Luminocity is here to help with some top tips for your outdoor lighting this winter.
Walkway and path lighting
Most importantly, homeowners should focus on walkway and path lighting for safety reasons. Whether you have lived in your home for years or are having guests over for the first time, you should be able to easily navigate the walkways up to your home. Winter weather and snow can make this navigation even trickier, with the CDC reporting that more than 800,000 people are annually hospitalized due to a slip and fall injury. Luminocity can help you install appropriately spaced path lighting with hidden wires to keep you and your guests safe.
Deck and step lighting
In addition to proper walkway lighting, ensure that your deck and steps are well-lit after Daylight Savings time ends. We recommend using your outdoor lighting team’s expertise on where to place your lighting fixtures, but best practice is especially to light up any uneven or awkward-to-navigate steps. Even despite the cold temperatures, you may still plan to use your outdoor living spaces, in which case you’ll want to light up your deck or patio as well.
Hardscape lighting
Speaking of decks and patios, hardscape lighting is the perfect low-profile option to light up your outdoor spaces with built-in fixtures. The team of professionals at Luminocity can select the best fixtures for each space based upon the desired lighting effect. Whether we’re choosing hardscape fixtures, spotlights, bollards or any other fixtures, we know that each one has a specific task and each one is made to last.
Wall lighting
As you drive up to your home after a long day at work, you expect your home to be bathed in light. The Luminocity lighting experts can do this with wall lighting, for a welcoming and wide spread of light on the walls at your home’s entrance. We know that the essence of great outdoor lighting is to create a dramatic effect and capture key artistic features. Our philosophy is that each project is unique with different requirements, so we’ll turn your custom project into a masterpiece as we paint with high-quality lighting fixtures for beauty and elegance.
Updating lighting system timer
If you haven’t done so yet, it’s also time to update the timer on your outdoor lighting system. If you are unsure how to reset your timer, call the professionals! With an Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP) visit from Luminocity, we will check the timing system and reset it as needed. We will also inspect and clean each fixture, bury any exposed wires and trim bushes as needed to achieve optimal lighting effect. And when you become an AMP member, any minor service needs are addressed by our team at no extra charge to you!
Give us a call today at 317-537-8055 to schedule your professional consultation with Luminocity. We’d love to keep your system running smoothly all winter long.