Exterior Lighting Tips
The Latest Exterior Lighting Tips
Our Top Tips for Spring Outdoor Lighting
Spring is officially here and it’s time to reevaluate your outdoor lighting. As you and your family start to spend more time outside in the evening hours, it’s important that your property is well-lit. Check out our top tips…
Does it Make any Difference which Landscape Lighting Fixtures are Used?
Most homeowners that are looking for outdoor lighting for their home know they want their house to look awesome at night but really don’t know much about the landscape lighting fixtures that will create the look they want. Terms…
Why We Love Outdoor Lighting Work
It’s the season of love, and we love outdoor lighting! For us, landscape lighting is more than a business — it’s a passion. Luminocity has been serving Central Indiana since 2010 with more than 1,000 happy customers in our…
How to Light your Home in the Snow
Are you concerned about how the cold weather or snow may impact your outdoor lighting? Our Luminocity lighting experts can design your outdoor lighting system to work in the snow and all year-round, no matter what type of weather…
5 Tips for Hanging Holiday Lights
Have you gotten your holiday lights hung up yet? Some people like to get their holiday lights up even before Thanksgiving, and others are still working on perfecting their lighting display right up until Christmas Eve. No matter which…
Outdoor Lighting Tips After Daylight Savings Ends
Daylight savings time is over for the year, and that means earlier sunsets and later sunrises. In fact, we can expect to see Indy’s earliest sunset times at 5:19 p.m. in early December. With all this extra time in…