Luminocity Lights Newfields Scholar’s Residence
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Luminocity Lights Newfields Scholar’s Residence

Newfields, previously known as the Indianapolis Museum of Art, is a beloved institution here in Central Indiana. Luminocity recently had the honor of being chosen as the lighting contractor to install outdoor lighting at the Scholar’s Residence on the Newfields campus, and we are excited to share more about this project on the blog today!…

4 Reasons NOT to Switch to LED Lights

4 Reasons NOT to Switch to LED Lights

You’ve probably heard many great reasons why you should switch from incandescent lightbulbs to LED lightbulbs (LED stands for Light Emitting Diodes). Compared with incandescent lights, LED lightbulbs have a longer lifespan, convert electricity into light more efficiently, and offer significant savings in energy costs.  However, here at Luminocity, we believe that there are some…