One of the fundamental aspects of great outdoor lighting is focusing on architectural features of the home. This can include a chimney, cupola, dormer or pillars/post at the entry to the home. Typically there are several across the front of the home and usually they are white.
If the walls of the house are constructed of brick or stone the texture absorbs much of the light. The smooth surface of many posts magnify any lighting issues such as different lighting intensity, spacing variables, and differing beam angles. It is critical to make sure that the fixtures are installed at the same exact distance from each post. It is also important to make sure that the angle of the fixture body is straight up.
This photo illustrates the proper lighting effect for illuminating porch posts. For example, some of the hedges in front of the porch may need to be trimmed back to allow light to shine freely and not be blocked by vegetation. This is something that the homeowner will need to keep an eye on. If it grows back and blocks the light shadows will result and the dynamic effect will be diminished.