At the end of January, Luminocity staff will travel to Scottsdale, Arizona to attend Illuminate ’19—the annual conference of the Association of Outdoor Lighting Professionals (AOLP). Luminocity staff have regularly attended the AOLP conference since 2015.
Iluminate ’19 includes two full days of workshops & trainings. It also provides an opportunity for Luminocity staff to network with like-minded industry professionals from across the US & Canada and stay informed on the latest trends in outdoor lighting design. According to Mark Miller, CLVLT, a participant in Illuminate ’18 and the owner of Southern Grace Landscape, Inc., the opportunity to learn from other lighting professionals was the most valuable aspect of the conference. He states, “For one week and from all over the country, leaders in landscape lighting freely share ideas and advice as colleagues, not competitors.” This peer-to-peer learning ensures that Luminocity staff return home re-energized and with fresh ideas on how to provide the highest quality outdoor lighting design for their Central Indiana customers.
In addition to the workshops offered at Illuminate ‘19, the AOLP offers 2 high-quality certification programs: the Certified Outdoor Lighting Designer Course (COLD) and the Certified Low Voltage Lighting Technician (CLVLT) exam. Luminocity’s owner, Karl Lundberg, is COLD certified. This 3-year course provides an advanced level of specialized training in landscape lighting design. Other Luminocity staff is CLVLT certified. This rigorous test measures technical knowledge and ensures that all outdoor lighting work is completed with the utmost regard to both safety and quality.
While anyone can become an AOLP member, attend the annual conference and pursue advanced certifications, not all outdoor lighting companies choose to seek these qualifications. Luminocity is one of only 4 outdoor lighting companies in Indiana with an active AOLP membership and Luminocity’s owner Karl Lundberg is the only lighting professional in Indiana who is COLD-certified. Furthermore, only two people in Indiana are CLVLT certified, and one of them works for Luminocity. Luminocity’s commitment to pursuing advanced trainings and certifications demonstrates a level of passion and professionalism that isn’t always found in other lighting companies. You could say that Luminocity’s commitment to providing unparalleled excellence in lighting design shines brightly.
Luminocity is an active member of the Association of Outdoor Lighting Professionals (AOLP). Luminocity’s staff is COLD & CLVLT certified and regularly attends AOLP trainings across the country to keep their skills sharp. Contact us today to have our lighting professionals visit your house and give you an estimate.