Indiana winters can be finicky. One year, we’re enjoying temperatures in the 60s in January. Another year, we’re seeing roofs collapse due to the weight of the snow. Is your home ready for winter weather? Luminocity has tips to prepare your home for the colder months.
Take care of your pipes
If your home includes unheated portions like a garage, attic, or crawl space, pay attention to the plumbing. Foam or insulation may ensure they don’t freeze and burst, causing an expensive and messy problem. If your favorite meteorologist is calling for record lows, consider leaving cabinets open in your kitchen and bathroom areas so the warmer air will circulate around these pipes as well.
Keep the thermostat at a safe setting
As you’re packing up the family for a well-deserved tropical vacation, you may be tempted to save on your energy bills by turning off the heat. Turn it down, but don’t turn it off. Keep your thermostat set at no lower than 55°F. Does your household have thermostat wars? According to the US Department of Energy, the ideal thermostat setting in the winter is 68°F. Feel free to show this to your spouse if you need to settle an argument.
Prepare your gutters
Dead branches and leftover leaves can become a heavy burden when you add the weight of snow or ice. While you’re in outdoor cleaning mode, make sure to remove any debris around your outdoor HVAC unit.
Check your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors
Fireplaces or space heaters can keep you warm and cozy, but they are also potential fire hazards. Always unplug your space heater when you’re not using it, and never leave a fire unattended. Carbon monoxide buildup can be a greater hazard in the winter when we’re shut up in our homes. Never ever leave your car idling in your garage. If the power goes out and you need to recharge your mobile device in your car, make sure you’re parked outside where your car’s exhaust can blow out unimpeded.
Change your furnace filter
Your furnace filter is your home’s first defense against dust and debris that can be brought in from outside. A clean furnace filter means your furnace doesn’t have to work quite so hard to keep the indoors comfortable. Can’t remember the last time you changed your filter? Take it out for a quick look – if it doesn’t look clean, it’s time to spring for a replacement.
Shine a light on your home
Mother Nature does reveal some amazing artwork after a powerful winter storm. When you invest in your outdoor home lighting with Luminocity, you’re framing and highlighting the scene with an intentionally designed outdoor lighting layout. Your house will shine and the snow will sparkle when you partner with Luminocity.
Consider maintenance
When the cold weather hits, the last thing you want to do is dig through the snow to replace an outdoor lightbulb. That’s one of the many reasons we recommend our Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP.) When you purchase this plan, we’ll perform an annual maintenance check, replacing bulbs and inspecting and cleaning each fixture. If a bulb burns out during the next 12 months, we’ll come by to change it at no additional cost. Did you opt to have lighting installed by a different company? That’s OK. Our AMP covers lighting installed by anyone.
Winter is coming, but your home doesn’t have to suffer from the cold. Be prepared and illuminate your home’s natural beauty with Luminocity. You can schedule a consultation now by calling us at at (317) 537-8055 or contact us online now.