At Luminocity, we have seen that pathway lights incorporated into your landscaping lighting design can help increase the safety of visitors to your Central Indiana home. Navigating the path to a home you are unfamiliar with can sometimes be difficult for guests. And even though Halloween and trick or treating may look a little different this year, the benefits of pathway lighting can last all year long.
Pathway Lighting for Guest Safety
When you work with Luminocity, our lighting experts will work with you to determine the best landscape lighting design for your needs. A professional lighting installation can help determine what lighting effect is desired, what type of fixture is best suited for each task, where the fixture should be placed to achieve the desired effect, and that the voltage and installation is chosen properly.
For pathway lighting specifically, our professionals can help illuminate potential obstacles in your yard and walkways. Although you may be comfortable walking through your property at night, a visitor who is unfamiliar with your home will need adequate lighting to keep from tripping over stairs, curbs, trees or other hazards. Outdoor lighting also makes your house look warm and welcoming to guests approaching your house.
Prevent Falls for Elderly Homeowners
According to the National Safety Council, falling is one of the most common forms of injury that happen at home. In fact, every 20 minutes, an older adult dies from a fall and even more are seriously injured. One of our satisfied customers told us that her husband uses a walker and would have tripped over their entrance walkway several times, if it were not for the walkway lights that line their path.
Increase Security from Potential Threats
A well-lit home is also a major deterrent to burglars or vandals. According to a study conducted in New York City, outdoor lighting was correlated to a 39% decrease in crime at night for nearly 80 public housing developments. When you work with Luminocity on your landscape lighting, we can ensure that your property is kept both safe and beautiful with security lights, motion sensors and well-lit pathways.
Keep Bulbs Lit with an Annual Maintenance Plan
After working hard on a landscape light design for beauty and function, the last thing you want is a burnt-out bulb disrupting the look and feel of your home’s lighting. With our Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP) we can keep your system operating at peak efficiency month after month.
When we perform an AMP on your system we will replace all bulbs with fresh bulbs from leading brands like GE & Sylvania. Our AMP means that not only will there be no charge to change any bulb that may have burned out during the next 12 months but if there is a minor service need like repairing a cut wire, we’ll take care of that at no charge too.
If you are in need of a professional outdoor lighting installation, contact our Luminocity experts today at 317-448-0863 or schedule a consult online.