Winter is over for central Indiana – at least according to the calendar. Homeowners are starting to notice a little more green outdoors, as their yards take on their springtime hue and the perennials start to wake up from their winter naps. How can you prepare your home for spring? Luminocity has some tips for kicking off the new season with a spring cleaning and upgrade. This is Indiana, after all. The temperature is going to turn quickly, and you’ll want to be outside soaking it up throughout the next several months.
Spring clean your yard
We may have escaped the snowstorm locomotive that can barrel through the Midwest, but we still had our share of inclement weather leaving its calling card of yard debris, dead leaves, cobwebs and bare spots. Haul out the rake and collect the leaves and debris that threaten to interfere with the spring growing cycle. Take a good look at your landscape plants. Do they need pruning? Remove the dead or diseased branches, so the new foliage has a place to grow.
Make sure your grass is ready for the spring growing season. Consider renting an aerator to encourage better root growth. Add fertilizer and seed as necessary.
Spring Clean your home exterior
Winter’s dirt and grime can accumulate gradually, to the point where you don’t even realize how dingy your home looks from the street. Use a power washer to remove the caked-on crud. Start the spring with a set of sparkling windows while you’re at it. Tip: A squeegee helps.
Clear the roof and gutters
We’re moving into the rainy season, and you’ll want your gutters ready to handle the spring deluge. Pull out the ladder so you can see what’s accumulated in your gutters over the winter. Clean out the downspouts and make sure the water is flowing into your yard and not against your home’s foundation. Check for any loose or damaged shingles while you’re on the roof. If you’re not comfortable with high spaces, consider hiring out this task.
Take stock of your outdoor recreational spaces
As soon as the temperature rises above 60 degrees, you’re going to want to be spending time on your patio. Sweep the deck with a broom and follow up with the garden hose or a pressure washer to remove the dirt and other debris. (Keep the power washer away from stained wood. It’s best for hard surfaces like concrete, brick or stone.) Pull out your patio furniture and check the cushions and pillows for any holes or other wear and tear. Consider investing in some new pieces, like a colorful outdoor rug or a comfortable lounge chair.
Add new plants and flowers for spring
Are you still looking at the same plants you inherited when you bought your house 10 years ago? Landscape plants have varying lifespans, and an overgrown plant may overshadow the smaller plants that add color and texture to your yard. Consider replacing some of the older plants, especially if they’re blocking the walkway and entrance to your home. If you lack a green thumb, ask for suggestions at your nearest garden center or nursery.
Schedule an outdoor lighting maintenance visit from Luminocity
A lot can happen to your outdoor lighting system over the winter months. The ground can shift. Growing foliage can obstruct the lights. Wires can become exposed. Luminocity’s maintenance plan takes care of all of this by keeping systems at peak operating efficiency. When you enroll in the maintenance plan, you’re getting periodic cleaning and inspection of each fixture. We’ll bury the exposed wire, trim back overgrown foliage, and replace your burnt-out bulbs with new ones. Some customers opt for annual inspections, but many will request two or more each year. Fortunately, the maintenance plan can be tailored to your lighting system’s specific needs.
Add new outdoor lighting by Luminocity
With so much newness around you, is it time for an outdoor lighting renewal? Luminocity’s trained lighting professionals will determine where your home needs a little extra illumination, and where the shadows work to create interest and variety. As a member of the Association of Outdoor Lighting Professionals, the Luminocity staff is constantly updated their skills and knowledge base to ensure our client’s home shines in a tastefully designed lighting environment.
Spring is time for renewal. If you’re ready for a new or updated lighting design, reach out to Luminocity now at 317-537-8055. Trust Luminocity for all of your home lighting needs this spring and beyond.