Maintenance Tips for Fall

Fall is here in Central Indiana, and with it comes the shift toward shorter days and cooler temperatures. You know what that means: it’s time to prepare your outdoor lighting system for the cold months ahead! Whether you’re planning on using your outdoor space year-round or just want to preserve it for next summer, Luminocity has you covered with our 4 maintenance tips for fall to keep your outdoor lighting system shining all season long. 

1. Clear away leaves and tree limbs

It’s important to clear leaves and tree limbs off your outdoor lighting system on a regular basis. Otherwise, you run the risk of damaging your lights and leaving your home in the dark. Fortunately, it’s easy to do this yourself. First, be sure to turn off the circuit breaker to your outdoor lighting system. Next, use a leaf blower or broom to clear away any leaves or debris. Then, turn on your outdoor lights and enjoy your well-lit home! 

2. Clean off outdoor lighting fixtures

Over the course of the year, dirt and grime can build up on your outdoor lighting fixtures which can cause them to lose some of their brightness. As we transition into a new season, now is the perfect time to clean your outdoor lighting fixtures. First, head back to the circuit breaker of your outdoor lighting system and turn it off.  Then, use warm water and mild soap to clean off all fixtures. A quick clean will have your outdoor lighting system shining brightly again!

3. Reset your system timer

If you have an automatic timer for your outdoor lighting system, now is the time to reset it for the fall. With the sun setting earlier every day and daylight savings time ending on November 6, you’ll want to make sure your lights are turning on and off at the right times. Resetting your lighting system timer is easy and only takes a few minutes. Simply find your timer, consult the owner’s manual, and make the necessary adjustments. Done! Once your timer is updated, you can rest assured that your outdoor lighting system will be ready for the shorter days and longer nights of autumn. 

4. Invest in our Annual Maintenance Plan

Fall maintenance doesn’t have to be a headache. With Luminocity’s Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP), we’ll take care of all outdoor lighting maintenance for you! When we perform an AMP on your quartz-halogen system we replace all bulbs with fresh ones. Our Luminocity outdoor lighting experts will inspect and clean every fixture, bury exposed wires, and trim bushes to achieve an optimal lighting effect. We will also check your system timer and reset as needed. When it comes to keeping your system operating at peak efficiency month after month, our AMP is your best value.

If you are in need of a new outdoor lighting system or would like to update your existing system, the lighting experts at Luminocity would love to assist you. Schedule your professional consult with the Luminocity team online or at 317-537-8055. We’d love to keep your system running smoothly all fall long!

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